Past work by Melissa Morgan

Born in the UK, Melissa González Morgan went on to study Fine Arts at the Alfonso Cano University in Granada and in Carrara, Italy. She returned to London for a short while, and then moved to Dublin, where she lived for seven years, taking courses in Art Therapy and working at an Art Centre and at the Temple Street Children's Hospital. During that period she took part in the original project for the National Wax Museum, for which she created all the decor and made sculptures.

Melissa has always maintained a private studio where she has carried out her own personal work, taking part in numerous exhibitions and carrying out commissions.

Morgan moved to Spain, to Jimena de la Frontera, in 2010, where she has created an Art Retreat, Casa Henrietta, which at present functions as a hotel at which there are periodic painting courses and exhibitions. Her work, and that of others, is hung throughout the beautiful building.
The artist at work for 2015 Festival

Contact: Casa Henrietta
Calle Sevilla 44,
Jimena de la Frontera
(+34) 956 648 130